A Life Without End is a fictional portrayal of Stan Miller, a man with a lifelong yearning for an afterlife that began as a child when his beloved pet dog died unexpectedly and he was too young to properly comprehend its death. Despite finding and marrying the woman of his dreams, raising a family, and establishing himself as a respected college biology professor, the finality and universality of death continued to haunt him throughout his entire life, triggering an exploration of several major religions, psychotherapy, and finally, science, all in quest of somehow eluding death and achieving immortality, or at least a greatly extended life span.
In his early sixties, Stan develops a fatal disease (ALS) and, despite his wife’s many (thoughtful) reservations, ultimately decides to have his body cryonically preserved (frozen). He is returned to life sixty-one years later (in the year 2068) after a cure is found for his disease and discovers a very different world where the altered nature of human relationships are even more difficult to comprehend than the baffling technology surrounding him.