This book is about a man (Stan Miller) who had a lifelong difficulty accepting the fact that life is finite and death inevitable, and who, despite becoming a respected biology professor, marrying the woman of his dreams, and raising a family, could not reconcile his love of life with the knowledge that someday it all must end. After talking with several friends, exploring various religions’ views about an afterlife, and obtaining psychotherapy he develops a fatal, incurable disease and – against his wife’s advice! — turns to cryonics to have his body “frozen” (preserved) so he may return to life when a cure is found for his disease. Amazingly, he is brought to life 61 years later (in the year 2068), finds a very different world and, especially, a markedly different culture than he expected, and is now on a cruise ship struggling to decide if an extended life is worth it after all.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781984512031
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781984512048